I have a Clark GCX15e forklift that got flooded from two hurricanes. I had so much damage on my home it was four months before I had a chance to look at the forklift because it is at a different location than my house. The brakes were locked up and the pad on one wheel came off with the drum. I changed the oil in the engine and transmission and thought I got all the oil out. No water got into the hydraulics and have no problem with the hydraulics. The forklift will go forward and reverse while it is cold and then will not go either direction and I have no brakes. I bought new brake shoes and seals and just took the two master cylinders behind the steering column apart and cleaned them because there was a 2-4 week delivery and I need my forklift now. I also took the two wheel cylinders and inching valve apart and cleaned them and they all looked good. I would have put a kit in all of them put could not locate them. I cannot bleed the brakes and have no pedal no matter what I do, I have hooked up a vacuum pump to the bleeder valve and at the same time put 18 lbs of pressure on the reservoir cap and that did not help. While I was doing all of that I had someone working the brake pedal. I have finally got fluid on the bleeder on the inch valve but not to wheel cylinder. I have taken all the lines l could get to and blew air through them. I could not get the ones off the valve block on top of transmission and really do not know how to take the whole assembly off and tear it apart and either clean or replace it. I also have 5 gallons of transmission oil and a new filter.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and help.
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