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No air or oil I could detect out of fitting. Since she went down slowly on her own......thinking that the valve activated by the down button solenoid possible problem. If the valve is stuck open like its always in the down transition that would make sense? I did feel the solenoid click when energized but its faint. Not saying it's not working...grasping here. I did notice a red screw like plastic fitting on tank near cap for oil... I hear this could be an emergency down if twisted but that seems weird to have a plastic piece that would relieve fluid.
Just loosen a little bit, then try to lift, if there's pressure, you'll see air and oil coming from the fitting. If not the problem is elsewhere.
Ty...does pump need to be in lift mode when I loosen fitting? Not sure about what you men about pump.
I have actually never seen your model, and via googling I aldo didnt see bleed scew, but opening that pipe at the top might still help you battle your problem, as then you'll atleast see if there's any pressure coming from pump. Next thing the is to open pump.and verify it'll move freely.
Ty for reply. The only thing I see is the connection from metal hydraulic pipe to the cylinder. I have pics but how to post? Are you saying that is the bleed valve? Sorry for the greenie here... what am I missing here?
Dear Mr Tanel_M, please share your email
On all lift cylinders, jungheinrich has bleed screws, 10mm at the top part before cylinder head you can simply turn them open few turns and bleed the system thus. If the fluid level has been restored, sometimes on certain lifts you need to check filter housing too - on the omes like EFG where there's an pressurized filter you may need to fill filter housing manually too. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.