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safety check valve in freelift cylinder most likely
pull out ram and check the valve at the base of ram.
could be sticking
if valve is missing you will need to get magnet and fish out the parts in bottom of tube, order a new valve and snapring (usually in a safety valve kit).
clean out all metal particles
go to return filter in hydraulic tank and check, change filter if metal found and flush out return line.
Pull velocity fuse in primary cylinder on mast, (usually on right side where main line comes in and check for metal particles, if any found change valve and flush lines.
Most of the time i've found that the valve and any metal debris is usually contained in the cylinder tube at the bottom and rarely makes its way past that point.
Lift the mast all the way to the top. If the carriage starts moving up after mast is at full height, the check valve in primary cylinder defective.
this can be two different problems. First check the carriage roller clearance, make sure you do not have a binding problem. If this truck has a free lift cylinder, you need to check it for external damage to the barrel. If it looks good you need to ds assemble the cylinder and look for a defective check valve. I am not sure if Cat uses a check valve in the base of the ram like many other mfgs. This is the most common problem with Yale and Hyster trucks. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.