I have a Mitsubishi fgc25n af82f-00263
we are having a no rev problem when the unit heats up, if you just jump on the truck and start it up it runs fine for a few minutes, 5-10 minutes later it looses power and will not rev past 1200-1500 rpm, and revs very slowly. i cleaned the afm "witch was very dirty" and cleaned out the carb. i accidently left the connector off in the process of cleaning the maf and am showing a code 21, "my fault" is there any way to reset the ecu without the laptop. ive disconnected the battery cables, touched them together, all the usual tricks, nothing seems to clear the code. i want to start fresh and see if the unit throws a code when this happens.
we just recived the unit and are preping it for sale, but cant let it leave the shop if its not right. and is there a list of codes and numbers anyware for this truck. ive searched google and you dont really find anything.
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