OK, heres one for you
i have a 2004 mitsubishi fgc25n with a nissan k21 engine.
It starts hard after it sits and throws a code 27.
I checked the coil pacs, replaced the crank angle sensor, and sparkplugs, cleaned the maf sensor..the truck still cranks alot before starting. once its running it runs great, but on occasion will start to lope and sputter at idle. if you turn off the truck and immediately start it back up it will start good, but wait more than about 10 seconds and it will crank about 10 times before starting and throw a code 27....
Showing items 1 - 5 of 5 results.
know this is an old post but might help someone else reading.....check alternator belt tension and make sure it isn't slipping,can cause some weird faults if not tight.
From what you describe you have a bad fuel injector, the injector is causing the motor to miss just enough to cause the sensors to send a fault code. Nissan recently did a injector body warranty recall and we ended up doing nearly 65 trucks in our area. If you have another unit available with the same motor, swap them and try it before you order one. Any Cat, Nissan or Mitsi with a K21 or K25 will work, even the new design,only diffference is a shorter wiring harness.
An E27 pos code means you have to replace crank and cam sensor as they talk to each other through the ECM, I recently had this fault and after replacing both sensors still could not clear the code, turns out the customer had fitted non resistor spark plugs and this was sending a spike back through the coil packs. Hope this helps.
check that the wires at the connector for the sensor didnt break
ive seen random connectors on these engines break at the crimp and the only thing holding the wire in place is the double crimp on the insulation
idk if this is the issue but verify it isnt
if it is broken i uncrimp them and solder the wire back on
(since the only way to replace that pin is to buy a whole engine harness)
have you run the "fast tas" setup (needs factory software)? did it complete properly?
a "27" is missing some information, there should be a letter in front
E27 looks to me like it should be related to the POS (Crankshaft position sensor) but there is hardly ever a problem with them on this unit, unless the wire connection gets yanked on. have you disconnected and reconnected the vcm and ecm to move the contacts? I guess you could be checking pin to pin from the ecm to the pos and phase sensor.
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