We have just purchase a Crown model 20Mt-S serial number 1A15911. looks like it has light use, but not maintained properly.
The drive wheel only runs sporadic, and only in the slow mode when it does run, you can hear the magnetic switches kick in but not the drive.
So far I have cleaned all the post, refilled and recharged the batteries, which were really low. Cables and batteries look new and cleaned the connection to the drive motor. I have started to clean the contacts on the magnetic switches and checked the safety switches.
Any other advice or problem areas I should be looking at? Also where can I find a wiring diagram and owners manual to download?
Once I get this running I will replace all the batteries, I don't want to put too much money in before I find out this is just an anchor
thanks in advance
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Thanks for all your advice. I have been working on this machine off and on when I find time, so far no luck, everything looks good and clean, all the switches seem to working properly, I am now thinking the batteries are wired wrong, Now looking for a wiring diagram on the batteries.
these trucks use 2 each, 6 volt batteries to drive in slow, the put the other 2 6 volt batteries in series to get 24 volts for high speed.
If you wanted ME to start to try and fix this (not so young, and not so recent technology design*) truck, I would have you -start- by getting 4 known good 6 volt batteries.
also there is a resistor in this truck located behind the contactor panel's middle. you will want to check it. all the micro switches and contacts (and micro-switches on the contacts) would be the next step after the batteries.
* and there are plenty out there, still working away, that I wind up taking care of
My real suggestion would be to consider moving into this century, and consider a unit that will use less energy overall, one with transistors in the drive circuit. every brand has moved into this less expensive to own,use, produce technology and 'obsoleted' these older style units.
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