Having problems with no start up, battery displays turns on but does not stay on, changed controller, contactor, connector plugs. Checked for shorted conductor cable all ok, need help. Thanks
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What is the battery voltage?
Connect a meter, turn the lift on, and watch the meter.
man, are you checking any of these parts or just replacing them? The diode blocks are not what i was talking about. there is a diode on the contactor coil.. physically on the terminals of the contactor coil.
does the contactor close then open immediatly? or not at all?
found CAN fault by connecting Curtis controller, don't have manual
No luck replaced ed switches and diode blocks
Thanks for the tip stam. will update later
if all the epo circuit is ok, check the diode on the line contactor, make sure it is not giving the coil a dead short. it being on backwards can simulate this.
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