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Ok thanks for telling me about code30 now that I've solved how do I reset engine error light
The 66 is one of the traction boxes is sensing a field fault (normally a bad controller) The 30 is due to the signal from the slave controller to the master traction controller is under 5 volts. This signal is from pin 10 of the slave to pin 21 of the master.
thanks for the support. kevin
Not sure what the 66 and A30 are but the -15 is a code for the battery voltage to low(less than 1.95 volts per cell) charge the battery or swap with a know good battery and see of it goes away,load test the battery and do a specific gravity test on all the cells.....check the charger operation and make sure the charger is functioning PROPERLY accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.