A customer of ours has the above truck, had a drive problem thought it was the pot above the back wheel
Changed that no Improvement, understand a programmer is required as it may have lost the parameters, can hire a programmer from TVH
Is the operation of the programmer menu driven or is a service manual required?
Showing items 1 - 3 of 3 results.
Hi. If you can check your email and send me a picture of your dash i can try find the correct manual. As there are a few variants from what.i understand.
Thanks for your reply, I don't believe it has the switches on the dash
We look after a couple of the older versions which has them
I was wrong about the model it is a Blitz 318 s/n 211413
Any information would be apricated
I am pretty sure on the earlier cesab trucks its done using the display and 2 buttons near the steer column (turtle and lph). There is a procedure which can be found in the manual.
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