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After all the chasing of this thing I watch them run it for a couple hours. I change the cap to a vented one no more trouble. I guess in the future I will have to make sure its the same as the one I took off.
Thank you
usually when the brakes lock up like that it is generally caused by a improperly adjusted rod not letting the piston inside the master cylinder return completely. It does not allow the fluid to return back to the resivoir and turns the master cylinder into a pump and it keeps pumping up the system till it locks down.
i need to ask
does this truck have the vertical master cylinders mounted just under the steering column/wheel in the center under the dash? or is it a normal type mounted on the frame under the floor plate area?
If they are the vertical ones under the dash those are a real pain in the keester to get bled out and adjusted properly.
Try removing the master cyl cap & see if all works good then. If so, you could drill a small vent hole in the cap
I have a 1/4'' play at rod. the brakes still lock up. I checked all the brake lines and fittings. The only thing that I found was the cover to master cylinder has no vent. It came with the new master cylinder
Sounds like a issue w/ the master cyl. Perhaps back off the brake rod so you have more free play & give that a shot first accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.