Komatsu FD25-7:
Automatic transmission Problem

Hello everyone
I have one komatsu FD25-7 forklift and i just had the engine(isuzu c240) overhault and i think that i also have a problem with automatic transmission as when fork lift starts it has no power at all and when time passes about 3-5 minutes it starts to gain power but again i feel it like it drives in higher revs to get i think that i have a transmission problem.I have removed the torque converters oil pump suction strainer and it was full of red vitton flange glue (propably from previous maintance) ,i cleaned it and changed oil with no noticable change.I didn't find and metal paste on the buttom of transmission.Could anyone help me out what i should look for before removing the engine again?
  • Posted 8 Mar 2020 23:02
  • Discussion started by nikosVats
  • Greece
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I have a similar problem with my FD20-6, I also cleaned the strainer but no change. I went on to check the pressures on the torqflow transmission at the forward and reverse ports, I have no pressure other than an intermittent 20psi in reverse at which point the truck does try to move but it is not consistent. I think my oil pump needs replacing. I removed the engine (Isuzu) but I cannot separate the torque converter from the transmission, do you happen to know how the torque converter is removed? Does it just pull off the input shaft? If I can remove the torque converter I can examine the oil pump. Thanks, Bob
  • Posted 7 Sep 2020 21:15
  • Reply by Griff
  • Lancashire, United Kingdom

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Two hundred years ago, the treadmill was invented in England as a prison rehabilitation device. It was meant to cause the incarcerated to suffer and learn from their sweat.

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Two hundred years ago, the treadmill was invented in England as a prison rehabilitation device. It was meant to cause the incarcerated to suffer and learn from their sweat.