Forklift clocked at 120km/h

News Story
- 15 Jan 2009 ( #393 ) - Wellington, New Zealand
1 min read
The forklift was clocked doing 100 kmn/h above it's maximum speed.<br />PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK
The forklift was clocked doing 100 kmn/h above it's maximum speed.
New Zealanders' love of speed has become the stuff of legends after Anthony Hopkins' portrayal of Kiwi Burt Munro, who spent years building a 1920 Indian motorcycle with which he set the land-speed world record at Utah's Bonneville. Now, a mystery New Zealander is claiming a land-speed record in a forklift, after being clocked doing close to 120km/h.

According to TVNZ, management of an Invercargill carrying company are asking questions of staff after receiving a speeding infringement notice in the mail.

It came from police in Paraparumu, reporting a vehicle registered to Lindsay Carrying Company doing close to 119km/hour on State Highway 1 last Wednesday.

Assistant manager Shelley Kempton says a check of the company vehicles traced the plate to the firm's forklift.

Kempton says the usual drivers, her husband Roger and the company owner, declare it was not them.

It's believed the forklift's plates were swapped before the offence was committed.

But the transport company is holding onto the proof of its forklift's performance. Kempton says the infringement and a bounty notice are going on the office wall. Police have asked that the notice be shredded.
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