Showing items 31 - 45 of 55 results.
GNB (Exide Technologies) now down plays the opportunity charging benefits of their MF battery packs and MF Industrial battery lines.
Raymond also has the 6 volt wet cell non maintenance free battery package. I do know Raymond prefers to sell the small walkie with the maintenance free power pack though, for 3 reasons; a) the chances of proper maintenance being done is about zero and b) the maintenance free package has a higher amp hour output, 190 vs. 160 and c) the maintenance free package can be opportunity charged.
Did anyone read btroberts reply? I thought "true" salesmen were a thing of the past. You go Robert sell the s**t out of them son!
i really recomend the 2 high qualit product the:
raymond walkies and bt levio depends on your application..
Raymond they make a great lift and have the best overall aftermarket support
there is a raymond dealer in Austailia and new zeland
This is to correct the response by the gentleman who claimed the Yale jack only comes with 4 wet six volt batteries:
It is "standard" but the salesman could offer them the Champion battery pack as an option for more $$. If the wet batteries are serviced frequently and properly the end user would have a hard time telling the difference. I used to sell Yale equipment.....
As a customer, local dealer suppoort is very important to us. Some of the models metioned here may be the best, but if your local dealer support is bad at best, I will look at other brands.
Hi John,
I know EP brand in China, it is a trading company in China. When you buy the EP products?maybe their service changed now;
i aggre with you that service is a problem for China equipement, and also this the problem for most suppliers.
Anyhow, thanks for your sincere comment. I want to be friends with you, my hotmail: wanglapeter(at) i really want to make some communications on that.
peter w
Just something to think about when you say good service will that some time. The end users does not understand this very easily when his machine is down. I sold an EP pallet truck and lost a customer because "getting parts for whatt should have been a warranty issue - controller failure" took time - 76 days. Then the warranty claim was denied by EP our company absorbed the cost of the controller. This was the first EP and last I ever sold & the last. This is what we call a "lose lose lose situation" - meaning our company lost a customer, our company lst money on the sale and EP lost future sales, all do due waiting for good service to happen.
Just remember there already many long time established brands in the US that can provide good service. To try to compete with them you need to have comparable service capabilites from day one - not just a good price. The customer forgets about the price he paid for it when he can't get good service.
Hi prodik,
You mean you have never imported chinese goods? Yes, you are right, we have to stress a lot on service. But you know, everything needs time. You know Heli and Hangcha, they are making progress on that and gained a lot of reputation and market in forklift industry. You maybe can have a try on chinese goods.
Hi Peter,
Never. But service support will be a critical issue that you will have to address
Of course the BT is the best in all the world. If You're interested Look at the new Pallet Trucks Levio LWE 140,
160, 180, 200, 250 and You'll see...
Thanks and have a good job (business!! time!!! BT : )
It depends if you have the staff and discipline to maintain the batteries. Getting to them is easy if you know how, but has the normal hazards of watering batteries. Maintenance free batteries do not requirethat level of support, but when they finally wear out will be slightly more expensive to replace. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.