Does anyone know where i can buy my own komatsu handset/reader, with the needed cartridge for the k21 engine? The hitachi one.
I've heard of a "laptop kit", (cable and software) but does anyone know if you can view data stream, and perform the same relearns, memory clears, etc, with the laptop kit, as you can with the hitachi handset/cartridge?
Thanks fellas.
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The Hitachi Handset is not available for purchase outside of the dealer network. The Laptop Software is fairly inexpensive, and a few cables are required. It reads and clears codes and displays RPM, Engine Temp, and Accelerator position as a percentage. It cannot do relearns. This software only works on 2007 and newer engines.
Any body know the Komatsu parts numbers for the hitachi diagnostic monitor with the forklift cartridge. ?
No info from dealer. They won't sell or give info to local competition unfortunately.
Have you checked with your local dealer? That would be a good starting point. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.