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It requires a laptop, wave can adapter and the wave download tool on the laptop. Basically connect the laptop to the can connector on the lift (should be located under the bottom cover) start the download tool and follow the on screen instructions. If you call CROWN they can also walk you through the process over the phone.
Oh ok thanks. Is it hard to update to new software version? How should I do this correctly?
Yes this new model (60 series) has the max speed at 5mph (8km/h). I was think about the 50 series, the older models can't go as fast. I'd recommend installing the latest software version, it seems like the last software version wasn't installed right or it's a very old version of software with a speed cap set low. Hopefully this helps.
Erk.... Ok...
Well.... Serial number is 10050652
If its the case this suck cause they all advertise speed 8kn/h :(
If you have the serial numbers I can verify but yes different versions of the Wave60's do have a slower max speed. It also depends on the lift height aswell. I don't remember when that change came out, but you are not the first person to notice. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.