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I just did one problem is the senser
The steer sensor in the steer column may have failed. Remove steer column cover, turn lift on and move steer wheel. Look for led light to come on at sensor. If the light goes off at any point, replace sensor. Should the light not come on, unplug the connector and check for battery voltage across 11D and 13X. If you have battery voltage replace sensor. Also check fuses 4 and 7. The steer motor cannot be rebuilt. The controller and motor are one assembly. Good Luck
The contacts are new and power in and out works great but the wires to motor have power sometimes not power to steering motor I check out contacts they are working. Thanks for your reply
Check the contact tips for wear and see if they are burnt the tips can get residue on them and lose contact across them accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.