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Keep in mind one thing, as of now there is no law that says you have to work there. The crown techs i know do not like working there. They are really talented techs and get treated like DOO DOO
Worked at Crown from 1986 - 1996. Experienced 1 (probably the first crown did) mandatory 10% pay cut on the management staff only. The excuse New Bremen used was the difficulties they were experiencing in spinning up the offices & business in Europe. Needless to say our local staff was upset and they invited us down to New Bremen and talk with Jim Moran. I told him the cut was like "cutting a steak out of his cash cow" and sealed my fate.
As I recall, they gave it back to us later as a yearly increase and told us to be happy!
I went through several pay freezes, but NEVER a pay cut !
The longest freeze I dealt with was 3.5 years.
Lord I hope that piece of junk caused no job loss or paycut to anybody but the designers lol
In 41 years of working in the forklift industry I have had the opportunities first hand experience with several companies both at the manufacturing end & dealership retail end. All my theoretical thinking came from my college (engineering & business degrees) days. During this time I met & worked for a myriad of characters - some were like the north end of a south bound horse others I would do most anything for. I did retire in late 2007 but never worked for Crown but dealt with Crown at the dealership level (factory stores) & with New Bremen management. I will say there were some "unique" individuals & some just regular Joes.
But plain and simple business is business - like in most all companies. or next door neighbors.
You bring some good and logical points, I agree. At the end of the day though, the money all comes from and goes to the same family, the one that owns Crown. The things that you are mentioning are all relevant, but unless you have MET & DEALT with the people who run Crown at the "god" level, you will be limited to a theoretical business model thinking. Yes, the economy did play a huge role, as I did loose my job also, but there are companies out there that sincerely DO value their employees. If you presently work @ Crown, I hope you never have to experience some issues that other have had to endure while working there.
Seriously doubt that too. You need to understand the difference between a capital budget & an operating budget. Wages and wage increase are elements of the operating budget. Things like significantly lower sales, lower profits margins on the sales that are realized , higher costs of liability insurance and health insurance for employees, etc. These and other similar items, all affect the operating budget what a company can or cannot do on merit increases. Just ask any one who has lost their job since 2007 thru today, if they would rather be employed with no possibility of an increase in the foreseeable future or collect $320 /week UE for up to 99 weeks. If you ain't happy with what you got search the job market & see what you are worth today.
Well gentlemen, lets get back to the real topic of this thread. Crown may not have finance the C5 with the recent paycuts, but I can guarantee you that they did it with the raises that were NOT payed out to deserving employees.
Good show BLKOPS way to hang in there - be certain this will not be forgotten. Sometimes it is necessary for companies to make "Tough" decisons.
As is often stated in sales a reducing the GP/commissioncon in a proposal to secure an order is always much better than loosing an order when the proposal had a whole lot GP & commission in it.
Yes we got 1/2 our pay I'd say in August 2010 and the rest of it will be returned on our next pay period which is thanksgiving. Yes this only brings us back to even but honestly I was surprised to hear that this was being returned at all, I was almost 100% ceratin that nothing would ever be returned and that the pay raises would simply start up again from where we were.
I do believe there is still some value to working for this company and there is some sence that Crown cares for there employees along with the pay cuts some of the cut benefits are also being returned starting with the 401K contributions and talks of raises and reviews to come in early 2011. whether this is true or not that is yet to be scene but moneys being returned is somewhat of a relief to alot of employees especially to those of us in management that stuck around and got the bigger of the paycuts.
bob m,
I was in sales, commission base, myself to maintain my income I simply worked longer & smarter & found ways to help the customer save tangiable $ to maintain my level of income - sell more trucks with less GP. Went thru the recessions on 1973 (forlift market went from 130K to 36K (before imprts were counted in ITA), 1982 (import just starting to be counted in ITA) market went down to 46K, 1992 & 2001/2002.
With respect to teachers they earn their pay - the can take their pay spread over 12 month or 9 mos - most take it over 12 mos. I retired 3 years ago & I did substite teaching for 1.5 years on and off. I quite due to a rise in my blood pressure. Students today have little respect for teachers, adminstrators or anyone in authority - in my opinion - this starts with the parents and the liberalisation of of schools roles - no spanking, no go to the gym and settledisputes with boxing gloves - 16 oz pillows & head gear, etc
But like all of us we make a career choice & if you don't like the choice you can have opportunity to a make a choice.
I wont disputer your number on teh other items but teh average postal worker makes about $19/hour before benefits - I have a friend that just retired after 25 years her salary was $21.00/hour.
But I was not preaching to you - I first pointed out you misunderstood the other persons comments on the Crown pay back.
In tough times you & businesses may have to make changes to survive or even maintain. You might be successful with the Lee Iacocco (sic) approach - "Lead, follow or get out of the way" if not modify your approach.
Don't have to preach to me, my income is down by half, not 20% but 50%. I am 100% comission sales. My wife works for the County and she had her salary reduced by 20%. Don't let the Teachers snow you, theywork 9 months for 12 months of pay and benifits. The problem is theschools have as many administrator's as teachers, and the money goes to them and not the students. Today, over 40% of Teachers cannot pass a basic math or english compentcy test if it was required. As for the Postal worker, the 'Average" pay per worker is $63K. per year and they are the most overpaid service workers on the planet. Especially considering that the U.S. Postal Service has lost money for 20 straight years. Their business volume is down by 20-30% and not one worker has been furloughed. No Sour Grapes here, just the truth. God knows I do not want to ever be known as a "Survivor" Lead or get out of the way !!
bob m
BLKOPS did not get back TWICE the salary reduction. So far as hestated, he has received 1/2 & the other half will be coming around Thanksgiving time. There are millions of working people that haven't received a raise in a year or two but they are glad they are not in an unemployment line - even the US postal workers haven't received and increase in over 2 years, school teacher have to take salary reductions and unpaid furlough days, same for law enforcement personnel, etc, etc. There are many of us that have had to take a pay cut in the past but the company never made it up in the future. This is called economic survival. When you are King then you can do it your way-'til then you "owe your soul to the company store" (excerpt from Tennesse Ernie Ford's song "16 Tons of yesteryears)
Sour grapes approach to this economic situation will only get you more sour grapes. Look around at the businesses that have shuttered the doors since 2007 aroundwhere you live.
Welcome BLKOPS. So you get back what Crown took away, Twice, No back pay, Just back where you started. Any chance of a raise soon? Not! This same thing has repeated itself many times before with Mother Crown. Some day you will value your skills and take them where they are appreciated and be compensated for them. Best of Luck. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.