HI guys, has anybody got a wiring diagram for this truck to try and trace the cables between the controller card and the display, fault on permanently, blown another controller board from sister truck.
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Where is the H- Bridge board located, or what is it.
yeah we cannot check only what code say.. the fork lift got a good check up on electronic, thats not bad for that heh
thank you and have a good day!
bad hbridge eh?
well thats one of those things that happens
the logic misinterprets the fault and throws a code that has nothing to do with the actual fault.
The H-bridge board supplys voltages to circuits and one of those may have been to the circuit you had lost causing the code 60.
Troubleshooting guides are just that, guides, they lead you in the direction most likely to fail, but if you find no problem there then you have to dig deeper and back probe till you do find it.
This is where wiring diagrams come in handy.
glad you found it though
changed the h-bridge and no more code 60! truck repaired! I dont know what the **** this card is doing with this code 60(problem communication logic card to display) but its working now! :p
logic card is ok and the forklift wont move, I tried the card few time on other lift to make sure I didnt blew it, same thing for the dash display.. wiring seem realy to be ok everywhere.. I search the problem since 8hours :o the only way that I'm able to see an other code than 60, its when I disconnect the connector CH2-P1..I receive code 19 and 29, the light on logic card flash like is suposed but when i reconnect it I receive code 60 and led turn off... I try all a can to track the problem.. I have no 5v to the pin CN3-39..
Do you have have idea?? I'm about to try the h-bridge card from an other lift..
The code 60 arrived when the operator passed on a bump with the fork lift
if you unplug the CN1 connector it may throw a code because it has circuits connecting to the logic card that are in conjunction with the display and other components.
you say you swapped out the logic card from another lift and it works? or there was still no operation? when putting the card from the other machine in this one?
clarify please?
hi, My EP20KT serial is ETB5B58273 and I have code 60.. I tried the logic card on other forklift and its working, same thing for for the display dash..so i can eliminate that from the problem.. I have good ground to the display connector, good 36volts in, and both other wire going to the logic(pin 59 and 61) card have good continuity.. I dont know where to check now.. can you help me please?? I saw that if a disconnect connector CN1 from logic card on other lift, it give code 60 too but this code in the book talk only about wire going to display.. Sorry for my english! I really need help on this code please
The vehicyle operation is disable..
give us a serial number please
code 60 can be a couple of things
faulty display
faulty wiring or faulty logic card.
since you put another logic card in and it blew that one we can rule out the logic being the problem
but the troubleshooting guide says there can be 2 conditional responses from the system
one being a code 60 but vehicle operation is enabled, OR vehicle operation disabled.
need more information before i can give an definitive answer.
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