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I read the service manual and this system has two master one for the drive unit another for the caster I noticed the rod for the caster master not moving s o I have to go Tuesday and check if their something missing (roll pin on the rod)
One other POSSIBILITY is that when the operator lets off the deadman pedal abruptly the drive motor brake is loose on adjustment and the caster wheel brakes lockup faster and drag as the truck is still moving.......
Its on a hydraulic system im gonna have to read the manual seems like a adjustment or master not holding pressure.doesn't Happen all the time.
Can be a air gap problem on the brake assembly also,is something to,check.....
Are the operator(s) FULLY depressing the deadman pedal???I had one operator at a place I service that only half pushed on the deadman causing the brakes to not release this was on a hydraulic brake system but can happen on a electric system also if switches are out of adjustment....I would watch how they operate it and watch how their feet are on the pedal accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.